Elder Octaviano Tenorio
Elder Octaviano Tenorio was called to serve as a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on March 31, 2007, at age 64. He served previously as an Area Seventy in the Mexico South Area and as a member of the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy from April 1997 to April 2000. As an Area Seventy he served as a counselor in the Mexico South Area Presidency. As a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy, Elder Tenorio served as a counselor in the Mexico Area Presidency.
Prior to his call as a General Authority, Elder Tenorio served in numerous Church callings over the years, including stake mission president, stake president’s counselor, and stake president. He served as a regional representative in Mexico, as an Area Authority in the Mexico South Area, and as president of the Mexico Tuxtla Gutierrez Mission.
Elder Tenorio was educated in Mexico, earning a certificate in accounting and business from the Academia Practica de Comercio in 1958. He worked in the petroleum and magazine publishing industries for a number of years before joining Church employment, where he served in a number of management assignments, including twice as recorder of the Mexico City Mexico Temple.
Octaviano Tenorio Dominguez was born in Tilapan, Veracruz, Mexico, in October 1942. He married Rosa Elva Valenzuela Gonzalez in 1973. They are the parents of five children and reside in the state of Mexico.
General conference talks

Full Name Octaviano Tenorio
Born October of 1942
Place of Birth Tilapan, Veracruz, Mexico