undefined undefined Area Presidency Assignments
Area Presidency Assignments
November 1989

“Area Presidency Assignments,” Ensign, Nov. 1989, 105

Area Presidency Assignments

The First Presidency has announced Area Presidency assignments for members of the Quorums of the Seventy. The assignments were effective October 1.

Thirty-one members of the quorums (noted with asterisks) are now serving in their new assignments. The others remain in the positions in which they have been serving.

North America Northwest: President—Hugh W. Pinnock*; Counselors—Vaughn J. Featherstone* and Yoshihiko Kikuchi*

North America West: President—Gene R. Cook; Counselors—Ted E. Brewerton and Derek A. Cuthbert

North America Southwest: President—H. Burke Peterson; Counselors—Ronald E. Poelman and Francis M. Gibbons*

Utah North: President—William R. Bradford; Counselors—Richard P. Lindsay* and Malcolm S. Jeppsen*

Utah South: President—L. Aldin Porter*; Counselors—Angel Abrea* and Gerald E. Melchin*

Utah Central: President—John K. Carmack*; Counselors—Monte J. Brough and Marlin K. Jensen*

Mexico/Central America: President—Robert E. Wells; Counselors—Horacio A. Tenorio* and Carlos H. Amado*

Philippines/Micronesia: President—George I. Cannon; Counselors—George R. Hill III and L. Lionel Kendrick*

Pacific: President—Glen L. Rudd*; Counselors—Douglas J. Martin and Ben B. Banks*

North America Central: President—Loren C. Dunn; Counselors—Jacob de Jager and Lloyd P. George*

North America Northeast: President—F. Burton Howard*; Counselors—F. Enzio Busche* and W. Eugene Hansen*

North America Southeast: President—John R. Lasater*; Counselors—Gardner H. Russell* and Jeffrey R. Holland*

South America North: President—Charles Didier; Counselors—Hartman Rector, Jr., and F. Melvin Hammond*

Brazil: President—Helio R. Camargo*; Counselors—Lynn A. Sorensen and Joe J. Christensen*

South America South: President—Waldo P. Call; Counselors—John H. Groberg and H. Verlan Andersen*

United Kingdom/Ireland/Africa: President—Jack H Goaslind; Counselors—Alexander B. Morrison and Robert E. Sackley

Europe: President—Hans B. Ringger*; Counselors—Spencer J. Condie* and Albert Choules, Jr.*

Asia: President—Douglas H. Smith; Counselors—Adney Y. Komatsu and Merlin R. Lybbert*