undefined undefined Encyclopedia of Mormonism Released
Encyclopedia of Mormonism Released
March 1992

Encyclopedia of Mormonism Released,” Ensign, Mar. 1992, 79

Encyclopedia of Mormonism Released

A “landmark reference work,” the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, is off the presses and available for purchase.

The four-volume work is a comprehensive look at Church history, doctrine, scripture, and culture written at the educational level of a high school graduate or beginning college student. The work does not, however, substitute for the scriptures, nor is it an official Church publication, according to Daniel H. Ludlow, editor-in-chief.

In preparing the extensive work, Brother Ludlow and a thirteen-member board of editors worked closely with members of the university’s board of trustees and Elders Neal A. Maxwell and Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve.

Published by Macmillan Publishing Company of New York and consisting of 1,200 articles written by 738 individuals, the encyclopedia represents the completion of a project that began in 1987. The encyclopedia includes pictures, maps, illustrations, charts, appendices, indices, and a glossary. A fifth volume, consisting of the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price, can be specially ordered from Macmillan.

“We think the main value behind the encyclopedia is that it’s going to put the message of the Church in thousands of libraries throughout the world where honest and sincere investigators can get answers about the Church and the gospel of Jesus Christ,” explained Brother Ludlow.

Macmillan normally sells its encyclopedias only to high school, college, university and public libraries. But the four-volume set is also being sold to individuals.