“Changes in Presidency of Seventy,” Ensign, Aug. 1996, 71
Changes in Presidency of Seventy
A new member of the Presidency of the Seventy and changes in Area Presidency assignments have been announced by the First Presidency, to be effective 15 August 1996 (see adjacent article).
Elder Earl C. Tingey has been called to serve in the Presidency of the Seventy, replacing Elder Carlos E. Asay, who will preside over the Salt Lake Temple effective 1 September 1996. With Elder Asay’s release, Elder L. Aldin Porter will become the senior member of the Presidency of the Seventy.

Elder Earl C. Tingey has been serving as president of the Utah South Area and as assistant executive director of the Church Missionary Department. Sustained to the First Quorum of the Seventy on 1 January 1991, Elder Tingey previously served in the Africa Area presidency for three years. Born in Bountiful, Utah, he graduated from the University of Utah Law School and earned a master’s degree from New York University. He worked as a corporate attorney for Kennecott Copper Corporation, and he is a former regional representative and mission president. He and his wife, Joanne Wells Tingey, have four children.
Seven new Area Authorities will be serving in Area Presidencies, in addition to the three Area Authorities called last year to serve in Area Presidencies. Those seven brethren are:
Chung Hei Wong, 45, Hong Kong; former regional representative, counselor in a mission presidency, and stake president; married to Kathy Wong.
P. Bruce Mitchell, 61, Cherrybrook (Sydney), Australia; former counselor in a temple presidency, regional representative, and counselor in a stake presidency; married to Elva Merle Trost.
Christoffel Golden Jr., 44, Krugersdorp, Republic of South Africa; former stake president and stake Young Men president; married to Diane Hulbert.
Tomás Valdés O., 56, Saltillo, Mexico; former regional representative, stake president, and counselor in a mission presidency; married to María Castañeda.
Octaviano Tenorio D., 53, Bosques de Lago, Cuautitlán, Mexico; former regional representative and stake president; married to Rosa Elva Valenzuela Gonzalez.
Julio E. Alvarado, 44, Molino de las Flores, Guatemala; former regional representative and stake president; married to Blanca Barrientos.
Eduardo A. Lamartine, 47, Santiago, Chile; former regional representative and stake president; married to Luisa Maureira Rojas.