undefined undefined New Seventies Sustained
New Seventies Sustained
May 1999

“New Seventies Sustained,” Ensign, May 1999, 111

New Seventies Sustained

During the 169th Annual General Conference, six new Brethren were called to the Second Quorum of the Seventy, and three new Area Authority Seventies were called to the Fourth and Fifth Quorums of the Seventy.

The new members of the Second Quorum of the Seventy are Elder Adhemar Damiani of São Paulo, Brazil; Elder Stephen B. Oveson of San Juan Capistrano, California; Elder David R. Stone of Windermere, Florida; Elder H. Bruce Stucki of St. George, Utah; Elder Richard H. Winkel of Provo, Utah; and Elder Robert S. Wood of Middletown, Rhode Island. New Area Authority Seventies called to the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy are Elder Benjamin De Hoyos of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico, serving in the Mexico South Area; and Elder Pedro J. Penha of Cariacica, Brazil, serving in the Brazil South Area. Elder Steven E. Snow of Washington, Utah, was called to the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy, serving in the Utah South Area.

Members of the Seventy have responsibility for administering the work of the Church throughout the world under the direction of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.