undefined undefined Jesus’ Birth
Jesus’ Birth
December 1981

“Jesus’ Birth,” Friend, Dec. 1981, 45

Jesus’ Birth

(Luke 2:1–21)

Crossword puzzle


  1. Mary was told to name her son ________.

  2. Christ was born in the little town of _________.

  3. Mary wrapped her Son in swaddling _______ and laid Him in a manger.

  4. The Christ Child was born in a manger because there was no room at the _______.

  5. Mary probably rode a _______ to Bethlehem.

  6. Mary was highly ________ among women.


  1. Mary’s husband was named ________.

  2. _________ was the mother of Christ.

  3. Angels appeared to _______ in the field and told them of Jesus’ birth.

  4. Mary’s cousin Elizabeth had a baby about six months before Jesus was born. His name was _________ (the Baptist).


  • Across—(1) Jesus, (5) Bethlehem, (6) clothes, (7) inn, (8) donkey, (9) favoured. Down—(1) Joseph, (2) Mary, (3) shepherds, (4) John.