“Sharing Time: Helaman and the Two Thousand Young Men of Faith,” Friend, May 1986, 37
Sharing Time:
Helaman and the Two Thousand Young Men of Faith
Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them (Alma 56:47).
Helaman, son of Alma the Younger, was a leader in the Nephite army. About 62 B.C. Helaman wrote a letter to Captain Moroni, telling him of the faithful and valiant young men whom he had led in battle. He called these two thousand warriors his “sons,” because of their youth and his affection for them. (See Alma 53:20–21; Alma 56:46.)
Even though these sons of Helaman had never fought in battle before, they were not afraid. Their Ammonite mothers had taught them that they would be protected if they had faith in God and obeyed His commandments.
If we have faith in God and keep His commandments, we can also be protected. We may not have to fight with swords, but we can be helped as we “fight” to be righteous.
Instructions: Read the statements about the sons of Helaman, then number the pictures to match the story. Read more about Helaman and the sons of the Ammonites in Alma 53–58.
When the people of Ammon were converted to the Church, they promised God that they would not fight. (See Alma 24:6, 18.)
When the need arose to do battle, their young sons said that they would fight for freedom in place of their fathers. They believed the words of their mothers and had faith that God would protect and help them. (See Alma 53:16–18; Alma 56:47.)
They asked Helaman, son of Alma the Younger, to be their leader. Helaman loved these young men and called them his sons. (See Alma 56:1–10, 46.)
Helaman said that he would lead them. He knew that they were courageous and “true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.” (See Alma 53:20.)
The young men obeyed Helaman’s commands and fought bravely. Finally they were victorious. (See Alma 57:21–22.)
The battle had been fierce, and many soldiers were slain. However, although all of them had been wounded, not one of the two thousand young men in Helaman’s command had been killed. Helaman said that his sons had been protected by the power of God because of their marvelous faith in Him. (See Alma 57:25–26.)

Sharing Time Ideas
Enlarge pictures and have children hold them out of sequence. Tell story, and have children arrange pictures in correct order.
Plan scripture chase to present the entire story of Helaman and the two thousand young men of faith. (Read Alma 53–57; see also Book of Mormon Stories,PBIC0325, chapter 20.)
Provide copy of page for each child. as children cut out pictures and glue them in correct order on colored paper, discuss with them how they could be like army of Helaman.