“December Calendar,” Friend, Dec. 1987, 24
December Calendar
To help you remember the story of Jesus’ early life, answer the questions and/or follow the instructions for each day in December, using the Bible references.
1 Who told Mary that she would have a baby? Luke 1:26–33
2 Where was Mary living? Luke 1:26–27
3 Where did Mary go for a visit? Luke 1:39
4 Who was Elizabeth’s son? Luke 1:57–63
5 Where did Mary and Joseph go on their journey? Luke 2:4–5
6 Why did they go there? Luke 2:3–5
7 Who gave the order? Luke 2:1
8 What’s another name for Bethlehem? Luke 2:4
9 Where is Bethlehem? Luke 2:4
10 Why didn’t Mary and Joseph stay in the inn? Luke 2:7
11 Where was Jesus laid? Luke 2:7
12 Who heard about Jesus first? Luke 2:8–12
13 Who told them? Luke 2:9–12
14 What did they do when they heard the good news? Luke 2:15–16
15 What did they do next? Luke 2:17
16 How was the Baby Jesus dressed? Luke 2:12
17 What king ruled Judaea when Jesus was born? Matthew 2:1 [Matt. 2:1]
18 Whom did the king send to find Jesus? Matthew 2:7–8 [Matt. 2:7–8]
19 What was their guide to the boy Jesus? Matthew 2:9 [Matt. 2:9]
20 What gifts did they bring? Matthew 2:11 [Matt. 2:11]
21 What did the dream tell them to not do? Matthew 2:12 [Matt. 2:12]
22 Who spoke to Joseph in a dream? Matthew 2:13 [Matt. 2:13]
23 Where was Joseph to take Mary and Jesus? Matthew 2:13 [Matt. 2:13]
24 How long did they stay there? Matthew 2:15 [Matt. 2:15]
25 Where did they move next? Matthew 2:19–22 [Matt. 2:19–22]
26 In this and the next five blanks, write other names that Jesus was known by. Isaiah 9:6 [Isa. 9:6]
27 Matthew 2:23 [Matt. 2:23]
28 Luke 2:11
29 Matthew 16:13 [Matt. 16:13]
30 Zechariah 9:9 [Zech. 9:9]
31 John 10:11
Illustrated by Mike Eagle