“Sharing Time: Know Who You Are,” Friend, Feb. 1988, 35
Sharing Time:
Know Who You Are
I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father (1 Ne. 1:1.)
You are a child of God, and you are different in many ways from each of His other children. Sometimes the fact that you are different will mean that you must stand alone. Lehi, Nephi, Ammon, and other people in the Book of Mormon often had to stand alone and risk their lives because they were loyal to their beliefs. They knew that they were God’s children and that they had something unique and important to accomplish. Knowing that you are a precious child of God will help you to stand righteously and to do the important things that you alone can do.
Each Child Is Precious
Some faces are round,
Some faces are thin,
Some faces are freckled,
Some have a long chin.
Faces of children
Are different, it’s true.
But each child is precious—
There’s only one you!
Sharing Time Ideas
Enlarge faces to size of file folder. Mount faces on heavy paper; then color, cut out, and attach to paint sticks.
To help teach class poem, have four children in front of group hold up faces at correct times during reading of poem.
See Primary Sharing Time Resource Manual, page 81, for activity idea.
Be sensitive to problems of peer pressure, special needs, or economic or cultural differences in your Primary. Emphasize worth of each child.
Sing “I Am a Child of God” (Sing with Me, B-76) and “Jesus Loved the Little Children” (Sing with Me, B-51).
Discuss valiant Book of Mormon prophets and how they stood alone (Lehi, Nephi, Ammon, etc.).