undefined undefined Elder Eduardo Gavarret
Elder Eduardo Gavarret
May 2008

“Elder Eduardo Gavarret,” Liahona, May 2008, 135

Elder Eduardo Gavarret

Of the Seventy

Elder Eduardo Gavarret

Considering his call to the First Quorum of the Seventy, Elder Eduardo Gavarret testifies, “Sometimes events that don’t seem significant come together like a puzzle to prepare you.”

Elder Gavarret was born on May 11, 1956, in Minas, Uruguay, to Juan Gavarret and Elsa Inzaurralde Gavarret. He served as a missionary in Paraguay and Uruguay from 1975 to 1977 and upon his return married Norma Beatriz Gorgoroso on October 20, 1978. They were later sealed in the São Paulo Brazil Temple.

Elder Gavarret graduated in business administration from the Escuela Superior de Administracion Empresas in 1986. In 2000 he received a master of business administration degree in marketing from INPG (Instituto Nacional de Pos-graduacão) in Brazil.

“Looking back, I can see the hand of the Lord in my life, moving me from one place to the next and from one calling to the other in order to serve Him better,” says Elder Gavarret.

While serving as a bishop in Paraguay, he joined a pharmaceutical company that moved him to Bolivia to start a new branch. There he was called as president of a new stake, then as a regional representative. When the company moved the family to Peru to open another new branch, he was called as an Area Authority. The company moved them again, this time to Brazil, where he served as an Area Seventy. He later served as mission president.

“Callings are not about holding positions,“ Elder Gavarret says. “Callings help us draw nearer to Christ. They are means to an end, not the end. In them we must seek inspiration, learn to pray, and focus on others rather than ourselves.”

At the time of his call, he was the general manager of a pharmaceutical company in Lima, Peru. He and his wife have three children.

“When Christ is the center of our lives, everything else falls into its place,” Elder Gavarret says. “All is in His control.”