undefined undefined Devil
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Satan. The devil is the enemy of righteousness and of those who seek to do the will of God. He is literally a spirit son of God and was at one time an angel in authority in the presence of God (Isa. 14:12; 2 Ne. 2:17). However, he rebelled in the premortal life and persuaded a third part of the spirit children of the Father to rebel with him (D&C 29:36; Moses 4:1–4; Abr. 3:27–28). They were cast out of heaven, were denied the opportunity of obtaining mortal bodies and experiencing mortal life, and will be eternally damned. Since the time the devil was cast out of heaven, he has sought constantly to deceive all men and women and lead them away from the work of God in order to make all mankind as miserable as he is (Rev. 12:9; 2 Ne. 2:27; 9:8–9).

The church of the devil

Every evil and worldly organization on earth that perverts the pure and perfect gospel and fights against the Lamb of God.