
See also Bullying, Peer Pressure, Friendship, and Kindness


Stories | Activities | Media


  • “Allie’s New Class” (July 2018 Friend)
    Allie is nervous when she gets moved to a new kindergarten class, but she prays for help and has a great day.
  • “Becoming a Bible Scholar” (March 2006 Friend and Liahona)
    President Wilford Woodruff was homesick when he first started school, but he soon found joy in learning.
  • “Becoming Dr. Cannon” (March 2019 Liahona and Friend)
    Martha Hughes Cannon followed President Brigham Young’s encouragement and became one of the first women doctors in Utah.
  • “The Best Test I Ever Failed” (January 2015 Friend)
    A girl learns that she has to study for a test in addition to praying for help.
  • “Finding Amigos” (September 2013 Friend)
    After her family moves to Spain, Rachel struggles to make new friends.
  • “Geography Honesty” (March 2016 Friend)
    Julie doesn’t want to be tempted to cheat, so she decides to tell the teacher after a map is left up during a geography test.
  • “The Glory of God Is Intelligence” (October 2007 Liahona and Friend)
    Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares how learning helps us choose the right.
  • “Helper for a Day” (July 2018 Friend)
    Elena gets a turn to be the special helper at school, and she chooses a boy who doesn’t usually get picked to help.
  • “Is School Really Worth the Effort?” (April 2015 Friend)
    Kids share answers.
  • “Learning to Read” (September 2012 Liahona and Friend )
    Elder Larry R. Lawrence of the Seventy learned to read from his father. Elder Lawrence later gained a testimony from reading a book by an Apostle.
  • “Matt and Mandy” (January 2017 Friend)
    Mandy and her friend talk about how if math doesn’t make sense, you just have to keep practicing and not give up.
  • “Moresby the Brave” (September 2017 Friend)
    A little boy is nervous about his first day of school, but he is brave and makes a new friend.
  • “Multiplication Master” (February 2017 Liahona and Friend)
    Luca learns that he needs to study in addition to asking Heavenly Father for help on a test.
  • “Our Page” (July 2010 Friend )
    Features a child from Malay who worked hard to improve his class ranking.
  • “Question Corner” (September 2013 Friend)
    My big sister used to be my best friend. But now she's too busy with her school friends, and she doesn't want to play with me anymore. How can we be friends again?
  • “Ryan the Unstoppable Reader” (July 2016 Friend)
    Ryan has trouble reading, but with hard work and practice, he begins to get better.
  • “Surviving the Homework Jungle” (September 2017 Friend)
    Tips for getting your homework done.
  • “Three Classrooms” (August 2017 Friend)
    President Thomas S. Monson explains that we have three classrooms of learning—at school, at church, and at home. Includes a matching activity.
  • “A Well-Educated Man” (February 2005 Liahona and Friend)
    President David O. McKay (1873–1970) worked hard to gain an education.
  • “When I Grow Up…I Want to Be a Chef” (February 2015 Friend)
    Brad Petersen says cooking food is a great way to be a missionary.
  • “When I Grow Up…I Want to Be a Graphic Designer” (June 2015 Friend)
    Learn about becoming a graphic designer.
  • “The Write Choice” (March 2018 Liahona and Friend)
    Justina is nervous the first day of school because she had trouble reading and writing the year before, but then her teacher tells her that Justina can choose to try, so she does.
  • “Writing it Right” (September 2013 Friend and Liahona)
    After a confusing religion lesson at school, Cara decides to write the truth about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.


  • Family Home Evening Idea: Reading
    President Hinckley (1910–2008) said, “How marvelous a thing is a good book!” Why do you think reading is important? Have each family member give a short book report on his or her favorite book. Read the “Family Reading Activities” (May 2005 Friend ) and plan to carry out some of them.
  • “Ready-for-School Backpack” (September 2013 Friend)
    A poster with colorful tips and snacks for a new school year.
  • “School Is Cool!” (September 2017 Friend)
    Look at the things each friend likes about school and circle the thing each pair of friends has in common.
  • “Studying after School” (October 2016 Friend)
    Find the hidden objects in this illustration of friends helping each other study after school.

