Emergency Preparedness


Stories | Activities | Media


  • “Canning Jars and Prophets” (October 2006 Friend)
    A rebus story about Taylor and his mom canning tomatoes for their food storage.
  • “Emergency Day Drill” (March 2009 Friend)
    Cassidy is excited about the emergency backpacks her family has and wants to try out the things inside hers.
  • “Emergency Evacuation!” (March 2016 Friend)
    Kyla, age 10, shares how her family was prepared after they practiced for an emergency as part of family home evening.
  • “Emergency Preparedness—‘Greater Than Gold’” (February 1999 Friend)
    Sophie and Zach create a treasure map of their house to teach their family what to do if there is a fire in their home.
  • “The Great Cereal Sacrifice” (March 2018 Friend)
    Hannah’s family gives up cereal for the month so they can use the money saved to buy emergency supplies. 
  • “Jason’s Escape” (August 2009 Liahona and Friend)
    Jason’s family practices what to do in case of a fire at their house. He learns that there are also alarms in our head that can warn us of spiritual danger when he’s faced with inappropriate media.
  • “Matt and Mandy” (April 2019 Friend)
    Matt and Mandy’s family prepare during a storm in case the power goes out.
  • “Ready to Go!” (July 2007 Friend)
    Sarah’s family learns some lessons about preparation when they pretend they need to leave the house in an emergency. Includes some ideas for what you may want to gather as emergency items.
  • “Thankful for the Prophet” (November 2005 Friend)
    Lindy is worried when her dad loses his job, but her parents tell her not to worry because they followed the prophet and prepared for this kind of emergency.
  • “Worldwide Helpers” (June 2012 Friend)
    Hunter visits the Humanitarian Center in Salt Lake City to learn all about how the Church helps others in times of emergency.


  • “Emergency Scavenger Hunt” (August 2018 Friend)
    Use this scavenger hunt to help your family collect supplies for an emergency kit.
  • Family Home Evening Idea: Emergency Supplies
    Read “Emergency Day Drill” (March 2009 Friend). Talk about why it was good that Cassidy’s family was prepared for an emergency. Then make a list of emergency items that would be good for your family to have. If your family already has emergency supplies, look through them to make sure everything works and nothing is expired.
  • Family Home Evening Idea: Natural Disasters
    Read “Small and Simple Things (November 2009 Friend). Talk about natural disasters that could happen where you live. If a disaster were to occur, would you know what to do? As a family, create an evacuation or safety plan. Practice the plan so your family will be prepared in case of an emergency.
  • Family Home Evening Idea: Preparation
    Pretend you are in a situation similar to Sarah’s family in “Ready to Go!” (July 2007 Friend). What would you want to take with you? Make sure that your family has prepared supplies in case of an emergency. If not, make goals on how to acquire vital items. Show everyone where these items can be found. Make a list of what you would not want to leave without, and make sure you can find those things quickly.
  • Family Home Evening Idea: Prepare for Danger
    Read “Jason’s Escape” (August 2009 Liahona and Friend). Check the smoke detectors in your home and make or review your family’s fire emergency plan. Read “Are You Media Smart?” Review your family’s rules for TV, Internet, and video game use. Talk about how just as we prepare ourselves for physical dangers, we prepare ourselves spiritually by living the commandments and following the guidance of the Holy Ghost.


See also the Provident Living website.
