undefined undefined Contents
July 1992

“Contents,” Ensign, July 1992, 1


July 1992

Volume 22 Number 7

On the cover: Front: Family Garden, by Judith Mehr, oil on canvas, 42″ x 56″, 1982. Courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art. Background electronically extended to accommodate cover logo. Back: top, photo by Richard M. Romney; middle, photo by Ronald W. Read; bottom, photo by George Beard, BYU Photo Archives.

Inside front cover: Push Along, by Gary Price, bronze sculpture, 16″ x 44″ x 21″, 1986. Based on the hymn “Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel,” this sculpture depicts the struggle of the pioneers and the relationships among man, beast of burden, earth, and the implements of the westward movement.

Inside back cover: Missionaries, by Ljiljana Fulepp, back-painted glass, 1990. From the Second International Art Competition, Museum of Church History and Art. This work, from the Second International Art Competition of the Museum of Church History and Art, is from a Yugoslavian sister who learned the technique of back-painting glass in her homeland. The technique consists of painting in reverse on glass. The details are executed first, followed by the background and other areas of the painting.