“Gifts of the Holy Ghost,” Friend, Aug.–Sept. 1985, 30
Gifts of the Holy Ghost
Adapted from Doctrine and Covenants Stories (PBIC037A)
(See D&C 46; D&C 130:22.)

1 Jesus told Joseph Smith that the Holy Ghost does not have a body of flesh and bones as He and Heavenly Father do. The Holy Ghost is a Spirit who can dwell in each of us and give us special gifts.

2 If we love Heavenly Father and keep the commandments, the Holy Ghost gives us gifts. To some of us He gives one gift; to some, another gift. The Holy Ghost gives some people knowledge that Jesus is the Son of God and that He was crucified for us. Others are given the gift of belief in the testimonies of others that the gospel is true.

3 Some Saints are given the gift of leadership. Some Saints are given the ability to know which spirits are righteous and which are wicked. Each person has been given a gift.

4 The Holy Ghost’s gift to some Saints is knowledge. They are wise and make right choices. And they have the desire and ability to help others to do the same.

5 Some Saints are given the gift of faith to be healed; others are given the gift to heal sick people. The Holy Ghost gives some Saints the gift to do miracles.

6 Some Saints are given the gift to speak “in tongues,” or in languages that are unfamiliar to them, and others are given the ability to understand and explain what was spoken in tongues.

7 The Holy Ghost gives some Saints the gift to prophesy, to speak with divine inspiration.

8 A bishop comes to know which gifts each Saint has. He knows who will be a good teacher, who can give healing blessings, and who loves God and obeys His commandments.

9 Righteous Saints can receive many gifts if they are willing to share them. However, they must always remember to thank Heavenly Father for such blessings.