undefined undefined Nephi’s Courage
Nephi’s Courage
February 1986

“Nephi’s Courage,” Friend, Feb. 1986, 32–33

Nephi’s Courage

1. The Lord commanded Nephi, “Go and get the plates.”

Laban and his servant wait inside the gates.

Laman and Lemuel were both afraid to try.

Nephi was courageous. This was his reply:

2. The Lord commanded Nephi, “Go and build a boat.”

Nephi’s older brothers said it wouldn’t float.

They laugh’d and mocked him and said he should not try.

Nephi was courageous, Here is his reply:

Chorus: “I will go; I will do the things the Lord commands.

I know the Lord provides a way;

He wants me to obey.

I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.

I know the Lord provides a way.

He wants me to obey.”

Copyright © 1986 by Lisa Hansen and Bill Hansen. All rights reserved. Making copies of this music for use within the Church is permitted. This notice must be included on each copy made.

Music, Nephi’s Courage
Music, Nephi’s Courage