undefined undefined Visions in the Kirtland Temple
Visions in the Kirtland Temple
April 1987

“Visions in the Kirtland Temple,” Friend, Apr. 1987, 17

Visions in the Kirtland Temple

Adapted from Doctrine and Covenants Stories (PBIC037A)

(See D&C 110.)

Meeting in the Kirtland Temple

1 One Sunday afternoon in April 1836 the Saints had a meeting in the Kirtland Temple. The Apostles blessed the sacrament, and Joseph Smith and his counselors passed it to the Saints.

Joseph and Oliver saw Jesus

2 Then Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery knelt and prayed in a place behind the pulpit where they were concealed by veils. At the end of their prayer, they had a vision in which they saw Jesus Christ. His eyes were bright, like fire. His hair was as white as snow. And His countenance shown more brightly than the sun.

Jesus would come back to the temple

3 Jesus told Joseph and Oliver that He was their Savior, that He had died for them, and that He had been resurrected. He said that those who built the temple should be very happy, because He would come to the temple and appear to His servants and speak to them in His own voice if the Saints kept His commandments.

Joseph and Oliver see Moses

4 Then Joseph and Oliver saw Moses, the prophet who had led the Israelites out of Egypt. (You can read about Moses in the Bible and in the Pearl of Great Price.) Moses gave special priesthood power, or “keys,” to Joseph and Oliver so that, among other things, they could help gather Israelites from all parts of the earth.

They see Elias

5 Next, Joseph and Oliver saw Elias, who gave the keys of Abraham to them. God had promised Abraham that through his descendants all the world would be blessed and that righteous members of the Church would become part of Abraham’s family. (You can also read about Abraham in the Bible and the Pearl of Great Price.)

They see Elijah

6 Then Joseph and Oliver saw Elijah, another prophet who lived long ago. Elijah said that people should learn about their ancestors and do temple work for them. He gave special priesthood power to Joseph and Oliver so that righteous families can be sealed to each other and live together forever.