undefined undefined The Brass Plates
The Brass Plates
July 1989

“The Brass Plates,” Friend, July 1989, 16

The Brass Plates

Brass plates

Lehi told Nephi that the Lord wanted him and his brothers to go back to Jerusalem. They were to get the brass plates from a man named Laban. 1 Ne. 3:1–3

They were important records

The brass plates were important records. They told about Lehi’s forefathers and contained God’s words to his prophets. 1 Ne. 3:4, 19–20

Laman and Lemuel complained

Laman and Lemuel did not want to return to get the brass plates. They said that it would be too hard to do. They did not have faith in the Lord. 1 Ne. 3:5

Nephi wanted to obey the Lord

Nephi wanted to obey the Lord. He knew that the Lord would help them get the brass plates from Laban. 1 Ne. 3:6–8

All the sons return to Jerusalem

Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi traveled back to Jerusalem to get the brass plates. 1 Ne. 3:9

They ask for plates

Laman went to Laban’s house and asked him for the plates. 1 Ne. 3:10–12

Laban was angry

Laban was angry and would not give Laman the brass plates. Laban wanted to kill Laman. 1 Ne. 3:13

Laman escaped

Laman ran and escaped. He was afraid and wanted to give up and go back to their father in the wilderness. 1 Ne. 3:14

Nephi encouraged his brothers

Nephi said that he would not return without the brass plates. He told his brothers to have faith in the Lord and they would be able to get the brass plates. 1 Ne. 3:15–16

They got their gold

Nephi and his brothers went to their old home in Jerusalem and got their gold and silver to buy the plates. 1 Ne. 3:22–23

Laban wanted their gold

They showed Laban their riches and offered to trade them for the plates. Laban wanted their gold and silver, but he would not give them the plates. 1 Ne. 3:24–25

Laban’s men tried to kill the sons

Laban told his men to kill Lehi’s sons. Nephi and his brothers ran and hid in a cave. Laban kept their gold and silver. 1 Ne. 3:26–27

Laman and Lemuel were angry with Nephi

Laman and Lemuel were angry with Nephi. They beat Nephi and Sam with sticks. 1 Ne. 3:28

An angel appeared and told Laman and Lemuel

An angel appeared and told Laman and Lemuel to stop. He said that the Lord would help them get the plates. He also said that Nephi was to be a leader over them. 1 Ne. 3:29–30

Nephi told his brothers to have faith

Nephi told his brothers to have faith in the Lord and not to be afraid of Laban and his men. Nephi encouraged them to go back again to Jerusalem. 1 Ne. 3:31; 1 Ne. 4:1–4

Nephi sneaked into Jerusalem

That night Nephi’s brothers hid outside the wall, and Nephi sneaked into Jerusalem. He walked toward Laban’s house. 1 Ne. 4:5

The Holy Ghost helped Nephi know what to do

The Holy Ghost helped him know what to do. As Nephi came near Laban’s house, he saw a man lying on the ground. It was Laban. Laban was drunk. 1 Ne. 4:6–8

The Holy Ghost told Nephi to kill Laban

Nephi saw Laban’s sword and picked it up. The Holy Ghost told Nephi to kill Laban, but Nephi did not want to kill him. 1 Ne. 4:9–10

so that he could get the plates

The Holy Ghost again told Nephi to kill Laban so that he could get the plates. Lehi’s family needed the brass plates so that they could learn the gospel. 1 Ne. 4:11–13, 17

Nephi obeyed

Nephi obeyed the Holy Ghost. He killed Laban and put on Laban’s clothes and armor. 1 Ne. 4:18–19

Nephi went to Laban’s house

Nephi went to Laban’s house. He was met by Zoram, who was Laban’s servant. Nephi’s voice sounded like Laban’s voice. 1 Ne. 4:20

He told Zoram to get the brass plates

He told Zoram to get the brass plates. Zoram thought that Nephi was Laban, so he gave him the plates. Nephi told Zoram to follow him. 1 Ne. 4:21–26

Nephi and Zoram meet the brothers

When Laman, Lemuel, and Sam saw Nephi coming, they thought that he was Laban. They began to run away, but Nephi called to them. 1 Ne. 4:28–29

Zoram as frightened

Zoram was frightened when he realized that Nephi was not Laban. Nephi held Zoram and told him that they would not kill him if he would go with them. 1 Ne. 4:30–33

Zoram goes with Nephi

Zoram agreed to go with them into the wilderness. Nephi and his brothers took Zoram and the brass plates and returned to Lehi and Sariah. 1 Ne. 4:35, 38

They thank God for the plates

They gave the brass plates to Lehi. Lehi and Sariah were happy to know that their sons were safe. They gave thanks to God. 1 Ne. 5:1, 7–9

Lehi read the brass plates

Lehi read the brass plates. They contained stories about Adam and Eve and the creation of the world. They contained the words of many prophets. 1 Ne. 5:10–11, 13

Lehi and Nephi were happy

Lehi and Nephi were happy because they had obeyed the Lord and had obtained the brass plates. 1 Ne. 5:20

The brass plates contained the commandments of God

The brass plates contained the commandments of God. The Lord wanted Lehi’s family to use the brass plates to teach the commandments to their children. 1 Ne. 5:21–22

Illustrated by Jerry Thompson