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“Demonstrations,” Family Home Evening Resource Book (1997), 269

“Demonstrations,” Family Home Evening Resource Book, 269


One of the best ways to teach a skill or show a process is by a demonstration. Demonstration is a “show-and-tell” technique. You may use charts, pictures, drawings, or films to show the skill or process. Most members of the family have some skill they could share, and sharing these skills with each other is a good way to build confidence.


These suggestions will help you give an interesting and motivating demonstration.

  1. Choose a skill or process that is simple enough to show in a few minutes’ time.

  2. Decide how you will teach the skill or process. For example, if you want to demonstrate how to make a cake, you could bring the ingredients and actually make the cake. Or, if you wanted to show how to calculate tithing, you could use a chalkboard, a poster, or real coins.

  3. Divide the process or skill into its most important steps or parts. Build the demonstration around these basic steps or parts.

  4. Let the members of the family use the materials you brought to practice the skill or process you are demonstrating.

  5. Use chalkboard outlines or other visuals to clarify concepts when needed.

  6. Explain any terms you use that might be new and unfamiliar to the family.

  7. Give handouts if needed to help the family remember what you have demonstrated.


Set a time to share skills, information, and talents through family demonstrations. You will be surprised how much family members have to share and how much they will enjoy learning new ideas. Let even the young children take part. Here are some skills your family might want to demonstrate:

How to make bread

How to cook in a wok

How to make crepes

How to set a table

How to plan a well-balanced meal

How to arrange flowers

How to decorate cakes

How to make a baby quilt

How to change a tire

How to survive in the water

How to bat a ball

How to sharpen a saw

How to change a washer in a faucet

How to respond to various emergencies

How to find locations on a map

How to preserve insects for a collection

How to treat shock

How to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation