Meet an Awesome Woman: Srilaksana Suntarahut
Part of a series celebrating faithful women.
What happened in Harmony?
A flurry of activity in this Pennsylvania town helped shape the Church!
A Powerful Musical Moment
A performance of 'Gethsemane' during the 194th semiannual general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held on October 5-6, 2024.
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As part of Oct. 2024 general conference, children sang “Gethsemane” about the Savior’s Atonement.
Meet an Awesome Woman: Bertha Willis
Her faith is legendary on Harkers Island.
A Quick Thought from “Come, Follow Me” (March 10-16)
Come, Follow Me: Doctrine and Covenants 20–22
The Lord Cares about Your Happiness
The Savior has given us many reasons to smile.
Meet an Awesome Woman: Julia Mavimbela
She chose faith over bitterness.
Creative Missionary Work
Sharing the Gospel In Challenging Times — Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
How do you share the Gospel during a global pandemic? Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf discusses the creativity missionaries have shown during these challenging times.
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There’s not just one right way to be a missionary.
Faith, Works, Grace . . . and Cycling?
The Savior’s grace enables us to do good works and increase our faith.
Ready to Gear Up?
The Armor of God
Saints should put on the whole armor of God. Ephesians 6:11–17
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This video depicts Paul’s teachings about wearing the armor of God.
Cultural Connection: Lent
Many Christians celebrate this Easter-related holiday.
Why the Sacrament?
A Latter-day Saint sister explains why we partake of the sacrament as an ordinance that renews our covenant made at baptism. The bread and water represent Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice for our sins.
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A video about a weekly opportunity to remember the Savior.
What is the “Covenant Path”?
Let’s explore this common Church phrase.